Violin Scales Tutor

by StringFingers


1.19 usd

The app helps you learn and practice scales for the violin. It has all the scales and recommended finger patterns up to about grade 5 that would be expected for the main exam boards. Thats major and minor scales (harmonic and melodic) , arpeggios, chromatics, dominant and diminished 7ths. The app gives emoji feedback on your performance (based on tuning) and will give an overall star rating when finished. The built-in metronome with authentic "tock" allows you to pace you scale practice and build speed over time. There is also a built-in tuner to tune-up your violin.You can allocate scales to sets (e.g. corresponding to scales in exam board grades) for practicing and you can select a random scale from any set or from all the scales to simulate exam conditions. The app is very easy to use with a simple scroll wheel for selecting set, scale, type (scale or arpeggio) and number of octaves, so is suitable for violinists of any age. The app shows the violin finger pattern graphic for the scale with note labels and underneath the full scale is written out as sheet music. This means you can start to learn how to play the scale on the violin using the fingerboard graphic and see how this relates to the music notation. This is essential for building music reading ability. Scales that require shifts also have recommended fingering added in the written scale.There are no ads to distract you and no in-app purchases.Missing a scale? Let us know, we are always looking to add to our list of scales. We know that exam board syllabuses change from time to time. Also would be great to have your feedback - or maybe feedback from your violin teacher - on what else we can improve! Scales are a fundamental component in music, you will find them everywhere. They are the foundations of so many violin playing skills: timing, intonation, key signatures, coordination, bow technique, sight reading, dexterity etc. Master your scales and you will have the foundation for violin greatness! Violin Scales Tutor is here to help you get there. Now, get practicing!